Channel 4 FM Fan Blog
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Fancy winning the lottery?
If you do, then dream about it! According to Neal, some woman won the lottery 2 days after dreaming that she won! Talk about the power of positive thinking!
Heard "They" again on the radio while driving home..I think it's growing on you Neal! Way too much work to do this evening, so not too many posts this week I'm afraid!
Heard "They" again on the radio while driving home..I think it's growing on you Neal! Way too much work to do this evening, so not too many posts this week I'm afraid!
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Marriage going to the dogs!
I heard Neal talking about this today morning and I really didn't believe it until I read the article online! Read about a doggie dog marriage at PlanetGuru
Shouts out to Kathy!
Uh-oh...Tim's reading the news again. That means that our darling Kathy isn't in the studio today...Neal says she's hurt her shoulder (carrying too many shopping bags)
Well Kats, hope you get better soon, and when you do get back please check out your lovely portrait on the DJ page :o)
Well Kats, hope you get better soon, and when you do get back please check out your lovely portrait on the DJ page :o)
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
The Funniest Thing
Okay, this is well worth blogging about. Something for you all to laugh about here. It may take a while to load, but it's worth the wait!(requires Quicktime to be installed, get it here)
Meet the DJs!
Okay, just uploaded the "Meet the DJs" page...waiting for the lawsuits to come rushing in! :o)
And I got Lost Lyrics #3 today! It was "Something inside So Strong"...and I've forgotten the artist again...*sigh* Well at least got to chat with Neal on the phone for a bit! And I sound really different on the radio!
Got a bit of news this evening, Tim's got his own blog now as well! Yup, The Big Breakfast is now online, and you can catch up with Tim and Vicky here. I wonder who else is going to go up this week? :o)
And I got Lost Lyrics #3 today! It was "Something inside So Strong"...and I've forgotten the artist again...*sigh* Well at least got to chat with Neal on the phone for a bit! And I sound really different on the radio!
Got a bit of news this evening, Tim's got his own blog now as well! Yup, The Big Breakfast is now online, and you can catch up with Tim and Vicky here. I wonder who else is going to go up this week? :o)
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
More great hits!
Great start to the day this morning...heard Jem's "They" after a long time...we never hear that song these days! I wonder how much those kids in the background got paid to sing "dumdumdakdumdumdumdumdaahdum" =)
Neal finally got his own blog online for his show (i bet I inspired him *grins*) Check it out here. Totally flubbed leaving a comment behind though, which I promptly deleted...to think that TIM would actually setup a blog(sorry for that Neal!) Where has my mind gone.....
Neal finally got his own blog online for his show (i bet I inspired him *grins*) Check it out here. Totally flubbed leaving a comment behind though, which I promptly deleted...to think that TIM would actually setup a blog(sorry for that Neal!) Where has my mind gone.....
Monday, April 25, 2005
More fixes!
Visited the site from a computer in college and found that the entire blog is in grey! So got around to fixing that and now it looks fine. I do recommend you all visit the site using Firefox or a recent version of Internet Explorer..just to make my life easier! :o)
Hurrahs to Tim for checking out the site this morning...apparently Vicky is jealous of the votes *grins* The DJs page is coming up soon, just have a little more work to do before it goes on here. And I missed Blankity-blank this morning *again* as I was in class studying for a quiz that ended up being cancelled!
Totally loving music from DJ Tiesto, heard a track from him on the ride home and turned it waaaay up! Definately a great track to get your groove to!
Update: Neal Bowden has graced the blog with his visit :o)
Hurrahs to Tim for checking out the site this morning...apparently Vicky is jealous of the votes *grins* The DJs page is coming up soon, just have a little more work to do before it goes on here. And I missed Blankity-blank this morning *again* as I was in class studying for a quiz that ended up being cancelled!
Totally loving music from DJ Tiesto, heard a track from him on the ride home and turned it waaaay up! Definately a great track to get your groove to!
Update: Neal Bowden has graced the blog with his visit :o)
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Latest news
Okay, finally settled on this grey-green theme because I'm going bonkers selecting something appropriate for the Blog. Everything else seems to be working fine, the poll is up and the numbers are in! Go see who's the most popular DJ at the moment... *wink* Nice to see that the Blog is gaining audience..keep spreading the word!
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Number 085...
...was my number for the Reef Mall & Channel 4 FM Radio Star contest. Yeap...I finally was able to go down and take part...the guy there said that no CDs were allowed, and it was just vocals, which kinda threw me off guard, but hey..otherwise it would have just been karaoke =) Had fun singing "Sidewalks" and then drove back home..I encourage you all to go down there and sing your favorite song, be it in English, Hindi, or Arabic. I know there are some stars out there waiting to shine.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Okay great....changed something in the template and the comments aren't working! Plus the poll has annoying ads! Grrrr....now I *really* have to whip up a better site design before I go public with this thing!
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!
Friday, April 15, 2005
Site updates!
Okay, a *much* better look to the site now, but knowing me i'm sure to change it again! More work coming on the site when I get some time off.
Tim's going to kill me for this, but Google turned up a link that Vicky mentioned on the Breakfast Show some time ago...check it out here
And no Tim, you aren't poofy... ;)
Tim's going to kill me for this, but Google turned up a link that Vicky mentioned on the Breakfast Show some time ago...check it out here
And no Tim, you aren't poofy... ;)
Monday, April 11, 2005
Not much to post about today actually....just setup the blog and have LOADS of work ahead of me! I hate this template......will be changing that too in time. At least I've gotten around to creating the blog...now for the HTML to kick in! =)