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Channel 4 FM Fan Blog

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Adopt a plant with Channel 4!

Since this is World Environmental Week (June 5 - 11), I urge you all to run down to your nearest petrol station and Adopt a Plant. It's a campaign run by the Internation Association for Human Values, and is supported by Channel 4 FM. I adopted my plant this evening, and even gave it a name! I'd like you all to meet Bradley the Banana sapling:

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

So next time you're on the road, pop into a petrol station from 8pm onwards and do your little part for our world by adopting a plant (they're totally free!). And make sure you give it a name! :)


Isn't it 'campaign" Nicky; where did You learn how to spell??=> *grinz* About the plant, well i'm not a plant person myself but the folks sure are, so i'll probably get one for them. Not a banana one though...I am not very fond of that fruit. Will go through the choices for a good one.=> Congrats on baby Bradley
Yeah! we adopted two little saplings yesterday. They are adorable. Can't wait to pot them in a dew months time and no I havent named them yet *grinz*
Thanks loads hon! Make sure you tell everyone else you know to adopt a plant too! By the way, the type of plant is written at the bottom of the box, so you know what type each sapling is :o)
awww...thats so cool...well dletedchick...i cant wait for u to name them....(one will be Nastay and the other will be Candy (lol...remeber wat happened at CC when u said Candy?)
Both the plants are Syngoniums, 'cotton tissue culture' plants. So i guess i'll b having spurts of cotton in a few months time *grinz* Since their both cotton plants i'll name one "Ms.Fluffy" and the other "Ms.Cuddly" *giggles* Come on these are the best i could come up with=> Never knew i'd be naming plants honestly!!
Just one word...


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